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Female Sexual Problems

Dr. S. R. Vaid - Ayurvedic Sexologist

Low sexual desire

Low sexual desire in females, known as Female Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD), refers to a persistent lack of interest in sexual activities, often influenced by various factors and potentially requiring treatment to address underlying causes and improve sexual satisfaction.

Dr. S. R. Vaid - Ayurvedic Sexologist

Lack of orgasm

Lack of orgasm in females, known as anorgasmia, is the consistent inability to achieve sexual climax despite arousal, which can be influenced by various factors and may require therapeutic approaches to address and enhance sexual satisfaction.

Dr. S. R. Vaid - Ayurvedic Sexologist

Sexual dissatisfaction

Sexual dissatisfaction in females denotes a state of discontent or unfulfillment in sexual experiences, potentially caused by various factors, and often necessitating communication, therapy, or medical intervention to enhance sexual satisfaction and overall well-being.

Lubrication disorder (Vaginal Dryness)

Lubrication disorder (Vaginal Dryness)

Lubrication disorder, known as vaginal dryness, is a condition where insufficient natural lubrication in the vagina can cause discomfort and pain during sexual activity, often requiring the use of lubricants or medical interventions to alleviate symptoms and improve sexual well-being.



Vaginismus is a female sexual dysfunction marked by involuntary muscle spasms around the vaginal opening, causing pain and difficulty during penetration, often requiring therapy and exercises to address and alleviate the condition. It is commonly associated with anxiety and psychological factors.

Penetration phobia

Penetration Phobia

Penetration phobia, or genophobia, is an irrational and intense fear of sexual penetration that can hinder sexual intimacy and relationships, often requiring therapeutic interventions to alleviate anxiety and promote healthy sexual functioning.

Narrow vaginal opening

Narrow Vaginal Opening

A narrow vaginal opening, known as vaginal stenosis, involves the constriction of the vaginal entrance, potentially causing discomfort and difficulties during sexual intercourse, often necessitating medical evaluation and intervention for relief and improved sexual function.

Female Infertility

Female Infertility

Ayurveda offers natural solutions for female infertility, focusing on dosha balance, herbal remedies, diet, and lifestyle adjustments. Herbs like Ashwagandha and Shatavari can help regulate hormones and improve reproductive health.

Breast enlargement

Breast enlargement

Breast enlargement in females involves the intentional augmentation of breast size, often through ayurvedic treatment.